Are you missing any Miles from a rental with Europcar?
Please provide the rental details requested below and Europcar will process your claim.
If your claim is valid and your rental is eligible for Miles credit, your missing Miles will be credited to your account.
If you already have an existing account with Europcar, please connect to "My account" on
Once logged in, click on "Query or missing rental activity" in the "My bookings" section on the left menu and fill in the form.
If you do not have an account, please follow the process below.
When you arrive on this page, please enter your Europcar login details in the "Registered Europcar Customer?" section. Then click on "Login".
Once logged in, click on "Query or missing rental activity" in the "My Bookings" section on the left menu and fill in the form.
You must enter all fields in the form. When all fields are completed, click on "Send my query".
You will receive an email summarising your claim.
Once you are on the "Contact us" page, click on the "Loyalty program" tab and enter all form fields.
IMPORTANT: Comments need to be as precise as possible. It is the most important part of the form. This will help Europcar fully understand your case. Please include loyalty program, membership number, country of rental, booking number, pick-up & return dates and pick-up & return station(s).
Please, attach a copy of your rental agreement to this form.
When you have entered all form fields and have attached your rental agreement, click on "Send".
You will receive an email summarising your claim.